Two bars of Eco-Friendly Soap

5 Eco-Friendly Spring-Cleaning Tips

Healthy Planet  |  By

As Spring emerges, it’s a great chance to refresh our homes after the hibernation of Winter. However, with all the scrubbing and sorting, it can be hard to maintain an eco-friendly approach.

By adopting zero-waste practices, we can keep our spring-cleaning journey sustainable. Here at Vavista, we have put together 5 eco-friendly Spring-cleaning tips, so you can minimise your environmental footprint and achieve a clean and serene home.

Choose Natural Cleaning Solutions

Traditional cleaning products can contain harsh chemicals that may harm the environment and could also pose risks to your health. You can avoid this by using natural cleaning solutions, such as vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. These household staples are not only effective at removing dirt and grime but are also gentle on the planet. Create your own DIY cleaners using this guide and store them in reusable spray bottles for convenient use.

Natural Cleaning Products

Invest in Sustainable Cleaning Tools

Swap disposable cleaning tools for sustainable alternatives that can be used repeatedly. Swap out single-use paper towels for washable cloths. Choose durable brushes and scrubbers crafted from bamboo rather than plastic. By investing in high-quality, long-lasting cleaning tools, you reduce the need for constant replacements, which go straight to landfill.

Recycle, Sell or Donate your Clutter

As you declutter your home, be mindful of how you dispose of unwanted items. Instead of sending everything to the landfill, recycle what you can, like glass, plastic, and paper.

Head to the ‘Recycle your Electricals’ website to find your nearest waste disposal centre for old or broken electronics, wires, and batteries. Check out our article on how to properly recycle your electricals here. Clothing, brick a brack and furniture can be given to charity shops or sold on eBay or vinted.

By diverting waste from landfills, you give items a chance at a second life, reduce environmental pollution and you may even make some money.

Lady carrying a box full of recycling

Embrace Upcycling and Repurposing

A recent study showed that as a nation, we throw away around 70 million homeware items each year – which could have been donated, sold or repurposed.[1]

Get creative with items that may seem destined for the bin. Transform old jars into storage containers, cut up worn-out clothing and use for cleaning rags, or breathe new life into furniture with refurbishment projects. Upcycling not only reduces waste but also adds a personal touch to your home decor. If you’re unsure where to start, here are some great upcycling tips.

[1] Brits throw away millions of homeware items each year | The Independent

Adopt Sustainable Shopping Habits

Look for products packaged in recyclable or biodegradable materials, like cardboard rather than plastic tubs for washing tablets. Check if the brand you are using is eco-friendly using these tips.

Consider buying in bulk to minimise packaging waste and opt for refillable containers whenever possible. By making informed purchasing decisions, you support companies that share your values and contribute to a greener future.  There’s some great natural, eco-friendly cleaning product brands out there now, such as Kit & Kin and Purdy & Figg.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Spring cleaning doesn’t need to hurt the environment. Whether its decluttering with intention, cleaning with eco-friendly solutions or responsibly disposing of unwanted items, every small effort contributes to a healthier planet.

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