10 Back-to-School Wellness Tips for Parents and Kids

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As summer comes to an end and the new school year approaches, it’s the perfect time to focus on family wellness. At Vavista, we know that making smart choices can lead to a healthier lifestyle, whether it’s through our car insurance or daily habits.

Check out our 10 Back-to-School Wellness Tips for Parents and Kids to start the next school year with energy and positivity.

1.    Establish a Consistent Routine

A structured routine can help children feel secure and reduce stress. Start by setting regular sleep and wake times, aiming for 8-10 hours of sleep per night for school-aged children. Bedtime routines may not only help improve sleep but can also help your child develop self-care habits and build a foundation for better memory, attention, and other cognitive skills.[1] For more benefits, read our blog, 5 Great Reasons To Sleep Well. If the Summer holidays have meant bedtime’s gone out the window, gradually adjust bedtimes a week before school to help ease the transition.

2.    Plan a Nutritional Breakfast

Breakfast is arguably the most important meal of the day, especially for growing children. A balanced breakfast that includes protein, whole grains, and fruits can help provide sustained energy and improve focus in school. If you’re stuck for ideas, here is a list of 25 different healthy and nutritious options. A recent study discovered that 11-year-old students who ate breakfast were twice as likely to achieve above-average test scores compared to their peers who skipped breakfast.[2]

3.    Make Healthy Snack Choices

Packing nutritious snacks for school means that kids will have energy throughout the day. Go with healthy options like fresh fruits, nuts, or yoghurt. Avoid sugary snacks and drinks, which can lead to tooth cavities, energy crashes and affect mood and concentration.

4.    Encourage Physical Activity

Regular exercise is vital for physical and mental health. Encourage kids to engage in sports, dance, or even a daily walk. Physical activity helps improve mood, relieve stress, and help with a better night’s sleep.[3] For parents, joining in on physical activities can be a fun way to bond and stay fit together. Park Runs are a great activity that the whole family can get involved in and they take place every Saturday up and down the UK.

5.    Use Stress Management and Mindfulness

The start of a new school year can cause anxiety for both parents and kids. Teach your children simple stress management techniques that can help them navigate stressful situations and maintain a calm and focused mindset. Simple ideas for mindfulness for children could be:

  • Quietly using a colouring book
  • Deeply breathing in and out, counting for 5 seconds on each breath
  • Writing down 3 things a day you are grateful for or that went well that day
6.    Put Safety First

Safety should always be a top priority. Make sure your child knows the rules of the road if they walk or bike to school. For those driving, including parents, it’s crucial to practice safe driving habits. At Vavista, we’re committed to promoting road safety and protecting your family’s journey. Consider reviewing your car insurance policy to ensure it meets your family’s needs and provides adequate coverage.

7.    Maintain Open Communication

Maintain open lines of communication with your children. Encourage them to share their feelings and experiences about the new school year and ask them how their day was. This not only helps in identifying any potential issues early but can also strengthen your relationship.

8.    Organise and Plan Ahead

Organising school supplies, clothes, and lunch boxes the night before can make your mornings less chaotic. Create a family calendar to keep track of school events, extracurricular activities, and important dates. Planning ahead can help reduce last-minute stress and ensures everyone knows what to expect and prepare for.

9.    Limit Screen Time

With the increasing use of digital devices, it’s essential to set boundaries for screen time. Encourage children to spend time on outdoor activities, hobbies, and reading. Studies have indicated that children learn most effectively through interaction with their environment and participation in hands-on activities. By limiting screen time and promoting active learning experiences, parents can nurture a love of learning in their children.[4]

Additionally, limiting screen time can improve sleep quality and promote healthier habits.

10 . Lead by Example

Children often imitate their parents’ behaviours. By prioritising your own wellness, such as eating healthily, exercising, and managing stress, you set a positive example for your children to follow.

At Vavista, we understand that a healthy lifestyle is a key component of overall well-being. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can help your family embrace a healthy start and create lasting habits that will benefit you. Here’s to a safe, healthy, and happy school year ahead!

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[1] https://www.sleepfoundation.org/children-and-sleep/bedtime-routine
[2] https://www.innerdrive.co.uk/blog/psychological-benefits-breakfast/
[3] https://www.gosh.nhs.uk/conditions-and-treatments/general-health-advice/leading-active-lifestyle/exercise-children-and-young-people/
[4] https://www.earlyadvantagedcc.com/early-advantage-parent-resources/the-importance-of-limiting-screen-time-for-children
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