Protecting Your Home While On Holiday

5 Tips for Protecting Your Home While on Holiday

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Holidays are cherished moments for relaxation and unwinding, but the last thing anyone wants is to return to unwelcome surprises like a break-in, fire, or water damage at home.

According to recent statistics, over 37% of UK residents have experienced burglary, highlighting the importance of protecting your home while on holiday [1].

Protecting Your Home While On Holiday

Here are some essential tips to ensure your home remains secure while you’re enjoying your well-deserved break:

1. Maintain a Low Profile

Burglars often target properties that appear unoccupied. Simple tasks like arranging for someone you trust to collect mail, adjust curtains, move bins, and manage lights can create the illusion of activity, deterring potential intruders.

Intruder Committing Burglary

2. Secure Entrances

Keep all windows and doors locked securely. Failure to do so not only compromises your home’s security but could also impact your insurance coverage. Studies reveal that 70% of intruders gain access through unlocked doors [2].

Lock on Home Windows

3. Conceal Valuables

Avoid leaving valuables within sight of windows, as this could attract unwanted attention. Similarly, refrain from storing keys near the front door, as it poses a risk of unauthorised entry. Surprisingly, 1 in 4 people leave keys either near or in their door, increasing vulnerability [3].

4. Prevent Water Damage

Water leaks are a common concern for homeowners, especially during extended absences. Taking the simple step of turning off the water supply can significantly reduce the risk of damage from burst pipes or leaks caused by temperature fluctuations.

Water Pipes

5. Minimise Fire Hazards

Before leaving, ensure all electrical appliances are unplugged, and the power supply to the property is switched off. This not only saves energy but also mitigates the risk of electrical fires caused by faulty appliances or sockets. It’s advisable to confirm that your insurance policy covers fire damage before your departure.

Remember, if you’re planning to be away for more than 30 days, inform your insurance provider to ensure continued coverage during your absence.

At Vavista Insurance, we prioritise your peace of mind. By following these simple precautions, you can enjoy your holiday knowing that your home is protected.  Check out some other tips for your home here.

To speak to one of our home insurance experts today, call us on 0344 776 5399.

[1] How can I protect my home from burglars? –
[2] Overview of burglary and other household theft – Office for National Statistics (
[3] How can I protect my home from burglars? –
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