Eden Reforestation explore New Projects in Ethiopia, Brazil, and the Philippines

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Ethiopia, Brazil, and the Philippines have highly degraded areas that were once thriving forests, the destruction of these forests impacts those living in extreme poverty the most. As a Vavista policyholder,  you continue to support Eden Reforestation Projects (Eden) as they  explore and launch projects in these three regions.

Why Ethiopia, Brazil, and the Philippines?

  • Ethiopia’s increasing population and dependence on natural resources have caused devastating long-term impacts on both the environment and the people’s ability to survive. Through Eden’s Employ-to-Plant methodology, local people in the Dawuro Zone will earn a steady income while restoring their forests.

  • Brazil is comprised of many unique ecosystems and regions. Along the coastal region, mangrove reforestation and restoration projects will provide stability against erosion while improving ocean and coral reef health. Eden plans to start in the Cerrado and the Mata Atlântica areas, the two regions most threatened by vegetation loss and deforestation.

  • Over 50% of the population in the Philippines, including millions of indigenous people, depend on their local forests. Eden is excited to partner with the indigenous community on the island of Mindanao to provide long-term economic opportunities through mangrove and terrestrial reforestation.

To learn more about projects coming soon in Ethiopia, Brazil, and the Philippines, click the button below

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